Ghost (Boss)

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"Turn back! Turn back! Come on Cyl, it's no fun if you know everything in advance!"

The Ghost is an emaciated humanoid entity that has a chance of spawning during runs. It is in a suit that greatly resembles Cyl's.


In sectors with the modifier "An undying, horrific force patrols the area", the boss will spawn when the Horror moves over a health pickup. Approaching it starts the boss encounter and despawns all other enemies. This changes the background to a shifting, repeating pattern of the Horror.


During most of its attacks, the boss creates many dark silhouettes of itself that cause the player to take damage if they stray too far.

Instead of the usual white bullets with a cyan halo, the bullets from this boss are black with a red halo. While fighting this boss, the bullets created by the player's black hole are the same color.

Upon being defeated, the boss fades away and drops 3 Floppy Disks, in addition to other boss rewards, such as Health Vials and Drillers if the relevant points are allocated on the Loadout tree.


First encounters



Cyl: Awaken.


Ghost: ... They


... many of us.

... My crew

it was ...

... just like yours.

... You are ...

not ...

... the first.